Mercury, Jupiter Station Check Point ~ 16 Oct 2021

Before getting into the check point, how about another view of the Galactic Center courtesy of Dennis Taylor the guy behind [ShutterVita]( Let's send him good vibes of thanks for his photographs. Maybe while he's out there checking out the sky, he'll discover a comet! May his lens be galactically guided!


Meanwhile, I must be brief in this post. This next week is a filming week and superlatively busy with all that making a film requires. But I would be remiss if I did not send a reminder that Mercury now stands virtually stationary in Libra and similarly, Jupiter hangs on moving direct pivot degree as well. Before you know it, they both are direct.

It gets better, too. Mercury stations sextile to Venus in Sagittarius while opposing Chiron in Aries. Jupiter's turn about trines Mars in Libra.

For Mercury and their aspect with Chiron and Venus here's what you can do:


Reset your thinking to make yourself the priority. Clear thinking that includes impossibilities and obstacles. Envision the road ahead cleared and potholes recently filled.

Review any and all communications that you engaged during Mercury's recent treks in Virgo and Libra. Ensure you listened sufficiently. Ensure you were heard. Reset any and all transactional exchanges for clarity and alignment with original objectives.

Resist the urge to lament about the woes of the world. Instead, engage and make phone calls, write e-mails, and offer up constructive ideas and wherever you can effectively engage.

Consider everything you need and want from circumstances, situations, persons and events to come. Clearly restate all objectives and reset receptivity to taking in the good you petitioned the Universe to receive when it comes your way. Breathing exercises assist greatly.

Find and sort through all checklists, to do agendas and previously written goals. Combine them into a fresh list and fervently apply Jupiter and Mars with energy and action to polish off the remaining tasks with the remaining days of this year, and to do so with grace and panache.

And for Jupiter and his groove to Mars:

Think big. Ponder how your grandest ideas not only fulfill your goals, but help the world and improve the Cosmos. Too lofty? Not if you gather your God-given tool kit and get on with getting it going.

Instead of sharing your objectives for the remainder of the year, experiment with the idea of saying little and doing more. It's one of those it's-not-what-you-say-it's-what-you-do times. There’s nothing wrong with keeping cards close to the chest until the hand is played.

When presenting ideas that include others, start with how this benefits those you wish to include. Bring the end game for others to the front and pitch from that positions. This tends to warm heart cockles.

Ensure those included in your plans align with your original concept. Include only individuals with equal enthusiasm for the task at hand.

Finally, petition the Universe to be aware of your intentions, the campaign underway, and offer gratitude and receptivity to the acknowledgment of your efforts.

Lastly and important for those prowling about my website shopping for what astrological guidance best serves you during this final stretch of the 2021 sprint, I upgraded the website's security settings. Yeah, I did this with Mercury retrograde. It was an adventure in taking in new code information and including it... just like Mercury, Venus, Mars, Chiron and Jupiter currently encourage. That said, click away with confidence on the links below. This could be the time when ordering up the astrological support you been thinking about procuring makes a heap of sense.